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Cyrano raconte Savinien
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Rostand raconte Cyrano
Coquelin, le 1er Cyrano
Edmond Rostand 2018
Sur scènes et sur écrans
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Sur scènes et sur écrans

1996 - Cameon Rhodes

Wllington - Nouvelle Zélande - Theatre at Large

N'étant pas sectaire, on pardonne l'affiche (à laquelle il manque un camembert pour être tout à fait française). Mais nous n'en pensons pas moins...

Adaptation d'Anthony Burgess

Mise en scène d'Anna Marbrook et Christian Penny

Notes du metteur en scène

An audience going to the theater expect daring. Thez want to see on stage a sense of flair, a courage, a dynamism that will ignite both actors and audience. This shared excitement ; this invisible connection between stage and auditorium is what makes the theatrical experience unique.

Rostand's Cyrano provides an excellent platform from which to begin to make this kind of theatrical event. Orignally written as a reaction against naturalism that what emerging in that time, the play has hold, larger than life characterisations ans a grand simplicity.

We have set ourselves a specific challenge in making this piece - to use nine performers to create a world usally portrayed by over 50 actors. This demands a lot from the cast. The realisation of the piece rest on their abylity to create worlds with their bodies, voices, musicality and the way in which they use the set so that we, in the audience, can imagine a world ans be transported by it.

The work was created collectively ans it is the result of a high level in input from the cast ans crew. The rehersal process was structured to allow both space ans time for the organic emergence of a shared vision.

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Publié le 05 / 05 / 2005.


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