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Sur scènes et sur écrans

1990 - Edward Petherbridge

Greenwich Theatre

Le Greenwich Theatre fête ses 21 ans avec un nouveau directeur artistique. Alors, pour marquer le coup, quoi de mieux que Cyrano ?


This is the first production of the Greenwich Theatre's 21st birthday season. It is also my first production as Director of the Greenwich Theatre. May I join with my three distinguished predecessors in welcoming you to CYRANO DE BERGERAC - a production which would not have been possible without their energies and commitment over the last two decades. CYRANO DE BERGERAC by Edmond Rostand in a version by Patrick Garland


Cyrano de Bergerac - Edward Petherbridge

Roxane, cousin to Cyrano - Jemma Redgrave

Christian de Neuvillette - Jason Connery

Ragueneau, a pastry cook - Colin Farrell

Cuigy, a gentleman - Christopher Kent

The Compte de Guiche - Ian Barritt

The Vicompte de Valvert - Duncan law Captain

Le Bret - Alan Barker

Montfleury, an actor - Crispin Harris

D'Artagnan, a Musketeer - Ben Porter

Martha, an orange seller - Nicola Slade

Roxane's duenna - Charlotte Medcalf

Lise, Ragueneau's wife - Mia Soteriou

A Musketeer -  Wolf Christian

Théophraste Renaudot, a writer -  Ben Porter

Baron de Casterac de Cahuzac - Christopher Kent

Gascon Cadet Chevalier d'Antignac - Juzet - Wolf Christian

Gascon Cadet Baron de Peyrescous de Colignac - Duncan Law

Gascon Cadet Baron Hillot de Blagnac - Salechan - Ben Porter

Gascon Cadet Vidame de Malgouyre Estressac - Crispin Harris

Mother Superior - Ana-Luisa de Cavilla

Sister Martha - Mia Soteriou

Sister Claire - Charlotte Medcalf

Drummer boys and Junior Cadets – Tom Godwin, Thomas Mann, Gabriel Prokofiev, Toby Watkins

Directed by - Matthew Francis

Designed by - Stewart Laing

Lighting Design by - Rick Fisher

Sound by - Steve Huttly

Music by - Mia Soteriou

Fights by - Malcom Ranson

There will be one interval of 15 minutes after act 3. This adaptation is based on an original version by Patrick Garland, which has been extensively revised for this production.

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Publié le 01 / 06 / 2005.


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